My Blog Restart/Makeover/Whatever Progress

I'm supposed to have a grand "re-launch" sometime this year but obviously, it never happened. Since last year though, there's quite a lot of improvement here. What Improved:

  • Content! Finally, I get to pause and write again. Or, finally I got the time to collate the pieces of little "post-it" notes from my phone, and structure them together into good old blog posts.
  • A little maturity and positivity on the writing - gone are the days when I had to post something that's sad and pathetic just to gain attention (oh gosh).
  • My Makeup Blog! - oh well, they're really Instagram posts, but at least something got started.
  • My official YouTube channel is now setup!  Wow, that's 10 years in the making.

With all the technology around that could have made blogging easier, my day job still makes everything difficult (plus my longing for "chill" times and basically this beautiful life around). I'm not trying to find some excuses but, it is an effort to maintain a blog. My detailing process makes everything else more complicated. What needs more work (also a glimpse of my backlog):

  • Embraced the use of Featured Images. And because of that I have to go back to all my posts and edit each one to.
  • "Read More" jump. Since I haven't been using Featured Images before, I made sure that a photo (or more) is always visible before the content. Again, another cleanup.
  • Still confused what photo size to use - 200ish or 500ish mb. The higher, the better resolution and experience of course. But, I'm always concerned on the space. So… looking for better CDN options.
  • I have processed, filtered and resized photos finally! Though, I should have made the image sizes consistent - before I tried to align them with this rustic and clean theme but then I changed my theme (which always happens), so now I have to go back to each one again to sigh process, filter and resize.
  • The videos can now be embedded from my very own Youtube channel. There are however some posts that I need to go back to to embed instead of going to a link.
  • And something that's always in the backlog but never seem to be completed - my own theme! Been exploring and changing themes almost every time I log in.

I was tempted to try going for a professional web design/cleanup service.. but then again.. where is the fun in that? I always say that but it's not taking me anywhere!Next year will  be beautiful, with more awesome changes. Hope I can get to achieve these #hobby goals!

Blogger's Note

6+ years later, I’m still at it!


My Make Up For Ever Academy Experience


A Night with Adele